Selasa, 20 Maret 2012


Diposting oleh Dian Rosdiana Noor di 23.26 0 komentar

Formed in November 18th 2006, RAN is the acronym from the 3 members, Rayi (vocal/rap), Asta (guitar) and Nino (vocal). They studied at the same high school. Rayi and Asta, who were in the same level made a band with their schoolmates named F.R.D., which had won band festivals, and once played in Malaysia as well. When they graduated, they decided to disperse the band. So at that time, Rayi and Asta just made and arrange songs in Asta’s room.
They hung outwith Nino who was their junior in high school soon after that. Joining in Asta’s place making songs. Then when they joined Insof (Indonesian Song Festival) in Jakarta, they got the 2nd place. So they decided to make a group, since they felt that they have the congruence in making songs. They named the group RAN.
A producer from KEP Media and Universal Music Indonesia soon offered them to make an album after that. So they recorded their first album titled “RAN For Your Life”, and released it in December 2007. The group band defined their music as fun, fresh, and friendly. The pop creative RAN offers music lovers many genres, such as R&B, soul, hip hop, jazz, reggae, dance, etc. Their first single “Pandangan Pertama” got 1st place in some TV & radio charts.  Apparently, many people loves these 3 boys and RAN happened to get 130,000 and more fans in their Friendster account, and also 102,000 and more in their Facebook page.
Supported by talented additional music players, they make dynamic arrangements on their live performances. Local medias gives good praises for RAN’s music and can be seen in many good album reviews they wrote.
RAN’s performance in Java Jazz 2008 was watched by more than 3,000 people, and they got it filmed and released in DVD version; “RAN Live at Java Jazz Festival 2008”.
RAN was also chosen as a brand ambassador for Wall’s Conello. They got “Rookie of the Year” in Rolling Stone Editor’s Choice Award 2009, and also “Best Group/Duo” in Kids Choice Awards 2009 which was held by Nickelodeon.
RAN has just released their 2nd album titled “Friday” in August 2009, which gets many good feedback from public and the medias too. They were also invited to perform in Carnaval SoundNation 2009 in Melbourne, Australia. The band now is busy promoting the second album, Playing on gigs, and preparing material for the third album. RAN for your life!

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Minggu, 29 Januari 2012


Diposting oleh Dian Rosdiana Noor di 04.23 0 komentar

Galileo Galilei dilahirkan di Pisa, Tuscany pada tanggal 15 Februari 1564 sebagai anak pertama dari Vincenzo Galilei, seorang matematikawan dan musisi asal Florence, dan Giulia Ammannati. Ia sudah dididik sejak masa kecil. Kemudian, ia belajar di Universitas Pisa namun terhenti karena masalah keuangan. Untungnya, ia ditawari jabatan di sana pada tahun 1589 untuk mengajar matematika. Setelah itu, ia pindah ke Universitas Padua untuk mengajar geometri, mekanika, dan astronomi sampai tahun 1610. Pada masa-masa itu, ia sudah mendalami sains dan membuat berbagai penemuan.
Pada tahun 1612, Galileo pergi ke Roma dan bergabung dengan Accademia dei Lincei untuk mengamati bintik matahari. Pada tahun itu juga, muncul penolakan terhadap teori Nicolaus Copernicus, teori yang didukung oleh Galileo. Pada tahun 1614, dari Santa Maria Novella, Tommaso Caccini mengecam pendapat Galileo tentang pergerakan bumi, memberikan anggapan bahwa teori itu sesat dan berbahaya. Galileo sendiri pergi ke Roma untuk mempertahankan dirinya. Pada tahun 1616, Kardinal Roberto Bellarmino menyerahkan pemberitahuan yang melarangnya mendukung maupun mengajarkan teori Copernicus.
Galileo menulis Saggiatore di tahun 1622, yang kemudian diterbitkan pada 1623. Pada tahun 1624, ia mengembangkan salah satu mikroskop awal. Pada tahun 1630, ia kembali ke Roma untuk membuat izin mencetak buku Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo yang kemudian diterbitkan di Florence pada 1632. Namun, di tahun itu pula, Gereja Katolik menjatuhkan vonis bahwa Galileo harus ditahan di Siena.
Di bulan Desember 1633, ia diperbolehkan pensiun ke vilanya di Arcetri. Buku terakhirnya, Discorsi e dimostrazioni matematiche, intorno à due nuove scienze diterbitkan di Leiden pada 1638. Di saat itu, Galileo hampir buta total. Pada tanggal 8 Januari 1642, Galileo wafat di Arcetri saat ditemani oleh Vincenzo Viviani, salah seorang muridnya.

                           Potret Galileo Galilei oleh Giusto Sustermans

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